2023 ends…God, I made it.

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“Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.”

James Lane Allen

God, I made it through.

Thank you for walking beside me every step of the way, for your compassion and sending your angels to fight alongside me and for me. For fighting those battles I didn’t even know about, for giving me the strength to stand up and fight for myself, my rights, and those of others. For showing me the strongest version of me and picking me up when I was a mere shell of myself. For giving me integrity and strength in the form of wisdom, resilience and compassion. For protecting me from the vindictive acts of those who tried to destroy me. Thank you for the days you didn’t leave me alone, for the dreams during the sleepless nights. For the rays of sunshine through the storms and sending me angels in the form of people who helped me up and through the darkest valleys. People- even strangers- who believed in me, who prayed for me, who stood up for me. 

This year couldn’t have been possible without you and all the guardian angels that have looked after me, that diligently and divinely conspire in my favor…and when I realize it, I see that you’ve got me. Maktub

Lastly, I am grateful for this faith which proves time and time again to be the unshakeable engine that has run my life, and never falters or fails.

Thank you, God.

Good bye 2023. Here is to 2024!

*The content of this blog entry is not intended for news or broadcast. Any content presented here should not be construed as news or media material.

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