Finding Calm in Life’s Storms

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Read original Spanish version here: Encontrando Calma en las Tormentas de la Vida

One day, a friend told me:

“Find that center within you (placing her hand on her chest and closing her eyes) where you can be fully calm. That even if a storm is raging around you, it won’t affect you because your core, your center is intact.”

I find myself echoing these words daily.

If there’s anything I will never take for granted again is the ability to sleep, eat, and being at peace.

Maintaining our mental peace may be one of the most difficult tasks we’ll have to master throughout our lives because, without a doubt, peace is never guaranteed. It’s easy to remain calm when everything is going well. However, when confronted with unexpected or unimaginable circumstances, and anxiety begins to overwhelm, that’s when the universe tests every facet of your being—your faith, the fibers of your soul, your power of resilience, and strength.

Finding mental peace is not a final destination of your personal growth; it’s a task we must work on every day. It’s a conscious decision and letting your guard down can leave you vulnerable to a setback.

If you find yourself in a moment where chaos and despair have begun to build walls in your mind that obstruct calmness and peace in your life, it’s time to return to your center, to seek your source of peace and calm. I know the circumstances may be annoying, or you may feel like life is throwing you curveballs you don’t deserve, but it is a moment of profound learning and growth.

If we pay attention, in the most chaotic times, there is a fleeting moment when our consciousness points to our intuition and encourages us to move forward. It’s the moment when your heart and soul start speaking louder to lift you up.

It’s that faint voice inside you that says: “Don’t give up. Keep going. Life has its share of peaks and valleys, and how you confront them is in your hands. You can do it.”

We all have that center, that anchor within, and it’s up to us to cultivate its peace so it can guide us as it should.

So, where can you find your peace and calm?

Searching for sources of calmness enables clarity and regulates your nervous system. It prioritizes what matters, letting you stand tall, grounded, and prevents being swept away by life’s chaos and storms.

I am fully confident that every day you can do something that brings you joy or peace. Whether it’s preparing a delicious breakfast, going for a walk, reading your favorite book, or simply opening the window and letting the sun shine before you.


Your peace is your anchor, it’s your center, it is you.

*The content of this blog entry is not intended for news or broadcast. Any content presented here should not be construed as news or media material.

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