Healing Isn’t a Straight Line

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Healing is not a straight line; it’s an uneven path through peaks and valleys, highs and lows, light and darkness. It’s a journey that demands courage, resilience, and a fierce determination to reclaim what was lost. When trauma shatters our world, it’s not just our bodies that need healing; it’s our minds, spirits, and souls that cry out for restoration.

Healing after trauma is not just about patching up physical wounds; it’s about rebuilding shattered self-esteem, reclaiming lost confidence, and rediscovering the courage to dream again. It’s a process of mourning the old self, the person you were before your world turned upside down. And yes, there’s grief in letting go of the world you once knew and coming to terms with the fact that things will never be the same again.

The peaks of healing are like euphoric glimpses of sunlight after a storm. They’re those moments when you feel like you’re finally piecing yourself back together, when the pain subsides, and hope flickers like a stubborn flame in the wind. These are the times when you catch yourself smiling again, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment, and you realize that maybe, just maybe, life isn’t all shadows and sorrow.

But then come the valleys, those deep, dark chasms that threaten to swallow you whole. They’re the sleepless nights haunted by the still silence that feels so loud. The days when getting out of bed felt like an insurmountable task. In the valleys, self-doubt becomes your constant companion, whispering cruel reminders of your perceived inadequacies and failures. And although no one is perfect, no one deserves to be put in an impossible situation. It’s in these moments of despair that you must dig deep, summoning every ounce of strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Also in this path, few obstacles sting as sharply as the invalidation of our pain. It’s the dismissal, the minimizing of our experiences by some because it doesn’t suit their agendas. Yet, in these moments, we must fiercely champion our truth, refusing to let others dictate the depth of our wounds.

Nobody can tell you how deep your wounds are. Only you know that.

But through the pain and loss, there’s also the opportunity for growth, for forging a new path you never knew existed. It’s about embracing a “new normal,” however unfamiliar or daunting it may seem, and finding beauty in the unexpected. Maybe it’s discovering a passion or talent you never knew you had or connecting with others who understand your journey in ways you never imagined.

As a 30-something who’s weathered life’s storms and always aims to emerge stronger on the other side, I’ve learned that healing isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about embracing the scars as a testament to our resilience. It’s about finding humor in the absurdity of it all, smiling in the face of adversity, and refusing to let pain define us. And above all, it’s about leading with kindness, both towards ourselves and others, knowing that empathy and compassion are the true healers of the soul. So, as you navigate your own journey of healing, remember that the path may be rocky, but with each step forward, you’re reclaiming a piece of yourself and forging a brighter, more resilient future.

THAT is my take.

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